Type Specimen: Anisette by Holly Gunnink

COURSE: Art 346: Basic Graphic Design

MEDIUM: Poster / Fonts

For this assignment, we were asked to advertise a typeface. Requirements of the project included choosing a theme, and using two colors. I chose the typeface Anisette by Jean François Porchez. Upon investigating the characters and glyphs of Anisette, I decided upon the theme of bowling. I chose dark blue and hot pink as my colors to convey the mood of neon lights and the night sky, similar to a bowling alley at night. The main focus of the assignment was to showcase the character and glyph variations of the typeface. I arranged the information into alternating grids in order to keep the text samples from becoming static. Keeping with the theme, I integrated bowling balls and pins into the text to create additional interest.

While this submission was originally created for an assignment, I ended up being very proud of it. This was one of the first graphic design projects I have ever done and my first time using Illustrator. Being somewhat new to the software, I am very happy with my results. I hope to pursue graphic design as a career, so it is important to have experience making creative, but still purposeful pieces like this type specimen. This project is valuable practice for the type of work I will one day be creating professionally. While creating this project I was worried that a type specimen filled with only text could become very boring. In order to give the piece some personality and keep things interesting, I decided to present part of the character set of the typeface as a pattern around the border of my design instead of presenting it just as static text. Attention to details such as this allows the piece to have more visual appeal, something important to any successful design.