COURSE: Communication Arts 651 – Advanced Video Production and Direction
MEDIUM: Video Essay
What do relationships mean in the era of the born-digital? This short film explores the topic of friendships online from one young woman’s perspective, the elation and alienation of online interactions, and questions the meaning of what it is “to know” and “to be friends” with people in this day and age of digital intimacy, as well as what internet personae are and how they differ from our physical personalities. Who is online? Who is stalking us? This film forces the viewer to question their assumptions about who is a creep, and what message they are sending out with their carefully curated online images to whomever may stumble upon them. / The original score provides a fitting backdrop to this visually and intellectually stimulating short, provoking questions for all of us about the meaning of leading our social lives online. / The film’s medium is fitting, as the viewer watches the online interaction in seemingly real time as if they themselves were participating. / / Field Mountains is a Madison, WI based band who graciously gave permission for this song to be used in this film.