Southern Space Emergent Ethos: a Reconstitution in Visual Rhetorics by Michael Dimmick

Southern Ethos Thumbnail Image

COURSE: English 727 – Digital Humanities

MEDIUM: Graphic Essay

In this piece I have taken a longer text based paper and transformed it in mind of the multimodal rhetorical practices under discussion in the piece.

The paper discusses how African American farmers in the Jim Crow era south began using filmstrips, paired with audio and text to more broadly disseminate literacy and “how to do things” – these needs based activities dealt with forming an okra co-op, voting, electing representatives to the farming committee, and so forth. Thus, I have used images (found, created, mangled, copied, and transformed) to try to radically re-envision and illustrate the possibilities for civic discourse that stemmed from these marginalized rhetorical practices.

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