Menpo Mask by Atilano Escobar

COURSE: Art 560: Senior Thesis

MEDIUM: Video, 3D Print

For this project the theme of Samurai masks from the Menpo to Hanbo will be displayed. Samurai Culture has permeated all of the world and many can visualize the fierceness of said warriors. The intention is to bring those mental visuals to life. Not only will these masks be more than a mental picture the history and significance of said masks will also be part of the presentation. For this project the theme of Samurai masks from the Menpo to Hanbo will be displayed. Samurai Culture has permeated all of the world and many can visualize the fierceness of said warriors. The intention is to bring those mental visuals to life. Not only will these masks be more than a mental picture the history and significance of said masks will also be part of the presentation.

I am creating this work in hopes to push myself in the realm of my previous skill set. In the beginning of the semester I had no knowledge of how to work in blender or how to 3-D print. With the help of Professor Lee I learned how to 3-D print and have taught myself how to 3-D sculpt and create animations. I wanted to create a project that was multifaceted and had multiple levels of interaction.