Alone in America by Jing We, Annika Ide & Zheng Wu

Alone in America Thumbnail


COURSE: Communication Arts 155 – Introduction to Digital Media Production

MEDIUM: Narrative Video

This story is based on my own story of getting depression when entering this college. I felt alone and had no friends. All of my life in America was black and white until an American girl talks to me when I was reading a book alone. The girl just asked me the story of the book and we started chatting. She makes me feel hopeful of my life in America.

I want to show how international students may suffer when leaving home and study abroad. I want use my story to remind both international students and American students how a short conversation can change one’s life. By using black and white for most of my video and changing it into color in the end, I try to symbolize the world the girl sees, showing the audience through her eyes.