COURSE: English 100: Introduction to College Composition
MEDIUM: Non-Linear Presentation
Digital presentation in honor of treasured Mac Miller. The presentation visually creates a story through Mac Miller’s music. In this portfolio you explore his life through depression and mental health.
I had never been a huge fan of Mac Miller. However, following his death, I became greatly involved with researching his music and impact on his fans. I became infatuated with his music and listen to his albums frequently. I created this digital portfolio project in honor of Mac Miller. His music is so fulfilling, meaningful, and metaphoric. What I love the most is he has many different styles of songs. My favorite part about this project was researching his life. I loved watching his interviews with other people, as well as all of his music videos, mainly the reason I included many paintings his fans have made for him after he passed away. I love to explore my creativity and I am happy I got to learn more about Mac Miller and make a tribute to an amazing person he was to me and everyone I researched.
*Please note this is an interactive Google Slide deck. This presentation is designed to use links to jump around, rather than view in slide order. The best way to view this is to click the “Slideshow” button in the upper right corner and then follow the buttons to view the content.