COURSE: Independant Project
MEDIUM: Website / Blog
Insula Barataria was conceived as an MFL creative blog and resources for language teachers who want to make a change, challenge students intellectually, foster teaching for creativity in the classroom, improve outcomes and boost motivation.
Creative activities fresh from the oven, teacher’s ramblings, newfound educational trends, pedagogical quirks, travelers’ logbook entries, policy exhortations, figments of an idealistic educators’ imagination, theoretical jibber-jabber, collages of cultural tidbits, poetical improv and poetic impromptus, methodological prattle, and a treasure trove of recipes for disaster, are among the specimens to be found in this eclectic MFL creative blog… I still have to find time to translate all the activities I have accumulated over the years into blog entries for the platform, but I hope the time I have devoted to being a language instructor will thus become useful to others who believe in teaching creatively and teaching for creativity.