Harry Styles “Fine Line” Album Review by Natalie Benish

COURSE: English 100: Introduction to College Composition

MEDIUM: Non-Linear Presentation

This submission is a nonlinear presentation about an album of interest through a class at UW. I choose to research the making of “Fine Line” by the rising pop artist, Harry Styles while including the other important aspects of the creation of this award-winning album.

As this project was for a class here at UW, I decided to research an artist that has had much influence on my life while transitioning to the life of a college student. As Harry Styles has a variety of music styles, I tried to showcase this idea in my project through his fun and colorful aesthetic from his album “Fine Line”. I aimed to showcase the background of Styles’ work while incorporating the research elements into the design.

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NOTE ABOUT THIS PROJECT: You must log in with UW-Madison credentials to view this project. This is an interactive PowerPoint with buttons to navigate between slides. Once the project is open, we recommend you select “Present” in the upper right corner to view as it was intended.