Consultant Resources

**This page is intended for DesignLab consultants only. If you have reached this page in error, please return to the home page. Thank you!

DesignLab Consultant Systems

Acuity Scheduler Consultant Login
(Used to view appointment details, add “drop-in” appointments, block off time for internal meetings, and add post-consultation notes to appointments.)
Login using your

Google Calendars
(Used to see your weekly DesignLab schedule, view IP times on your schedule, quick view of upcoming appointments.)
Login using your UW-Madison G-Suite account or connected Google Account

LibraryH3lp (Chat)
(Used for external chatting and SMS with clients. Be sure to be logged in to LibraryH3lp for every shift!)
Login using the BETA “Sign in using your institution” login, then under the “Select your institution:” dropdown on the next page choose “University of Wisconsin-Madison.” This leads to a NetID login.

Planner (IPs and Projects)
(Used for keeping track of IP progress, assigning tasks, and having a central repository of IP information. Note: Each course should also have a direct link the DL Google Drive folder for that course.)
Login using your NetID or DesignLab Email (Office 365)

DL Course IPs Shared Drive
DL Master Materials Shared Drive 
(Used for all DesignLab files, mostly for IPs and DesignLab Projects.)
Login using your UW-Madison G-Suite account or connected Google Account

Microsoft Teams (download here or open browser version)
(Used for internal chats with DesignLab staff)
Login using 

UW-Madison Zoom Settings

Other Helpful Links

Consultation Worksheets
If a consultee needs credit for their consultation, you can provide them with this form to fill out. They should fill it out prior to consultations, but that doesn’t always happen… For in-person consultations, you will need to stamp the form using the DesignLab rubber stamp (in the cabinet). For virtual consultations, our system will now send an email after the consult. Note: It may take up to 24 hours for the email to send.