Circles – Mac Miller by Emma Hatch

COURSE: English 100: Introduction to College Composition

MEDIUM: Non-Linear Presentation

An interactive project detailing the process of the creation of Mac Miller’s Album “Circles”. This album was unique in the sense that it was a posthumous album, meaning it was published following the death of Miller. The presentation follows the many facets that were a part of creating the album so loved and cherished today.

This project was so interesting for me to complete, as a musician myself, it was therapeutic to dive into the process of making an album and to learn how impactful this music was for other people. I feel music has always had a greater meaning beyond the surface, which is so prevalent in Miller’s music. When the project was announced I knew I wanted to do this album because of how meaningful it has been for me. But I also knew it would be a challenge. The project is supposed to be about the meaning behind the album, but Miller never spoke about the meaning behind the album because of his passing before the publishing of “Circles”. I was able to interpret the album and almost speak for Miller in a way. I hope my interpretation resonates with others and gives them more of a look into the life of a struggling artist and how music is sometimes the only escape.

View This Project!*

*Please note this is an interactive Google Slide deck. This presentation is designed to use links to jump around, rather than view in slide order. The best way to view this is to click the “Slideshow” button in the upper right corner and then follow the buttons to view the content.